What would your life look like if ….
your body felt the way that it did when you were at the top of your game?

How would it feel….
to have so much confidence in your ability to do anything that you no longer had to say “no” to life?

It’s time.

Time to get your body fully functional again. Time to get lasting relief from chronic pain.  It’s time to say “YES” to jumping back into everything fills your life with joy!

In a healthcare system that prescribes a “quick fix” for your symptoms, we provide a life-long solution for what’s actually causing your pain.

Our Services

At Standing Tall Tucson, we are dedicated to helping you relieve pain and empowering you to jump back into a full, functional life.

Nothing brings us more joy than hearing your stories about getting back on that bike after 20 years, taking that hiking trip you aways dreamed of, or having the best season ever in the sports you love.

We offer one on one private sessions at Tucson Racquet and Fitness Club or online to to develop personal exercise menus that address your unique challenges. 

We also offer small group classes (no more than 4 participants). We will group you with others who have similar postural dysfunctions. Small Group Sessions provide education and exercises to correct the misalignment that effects your movement.

Start Your Journey

Learn how we can help, or even eliminate, chronic pain by helping you answer the question “what is actually causing my chronic pain or underperformance?” 

The truth is, the site of your pain is almost never the cause of your pain. When you start, you may be surprised at the movements that relieve your pain and improve your performance. What are you waiting for?

Enjoy Egoscue with Our Community

Already familiar with the amazing results Egoscue has given you? Attend classes and explore exercise menus with our community of wellness enthusiasts!

Learn what movements help your body and connect with others on their journey to eliminating pain and performing at their highest level. 

Unlock Your Body’s Power

Everyone’s experience through life, and the affect it has on our bodies is unique. Lean about how to connect with your specific body. 

When we work with you 1:1 we help you gain a higher awareness of how your body wants to move to get back into alignment to get better performance and get rid of pain, so you can get excited about living a life without limits.

Are you ready to say yes to

Lidia D
"I absolutely love the Egoscue posture classes."

I absolutely love the Egoscue posture classes at Tucson Racquet Club and appreciate having two different instructors who both walk around and gently correct students. Both have a great sense of humor.

-Lidia D
Robert B
"At the end of five sessions, I felt lighter, even buoyant."

At the end of five sessions, I felt lighter, even buoyant. My wife said that I was three inches taller! Sarah's wisdom was that the transformation was no miracle, but the result of steady, determined, sequential progress: one exercise led to another in a way that encouraged me to do the work and to become more aware of how I carry myself. The Egoscue program is carefully laid out with supportive videos and descriptions. The program provides the structure, but it is Sarah herself who provides the inspiration.

-Robert B
Collette B
"These exercises are simple to do and I found that, along with improving my posture, they helped relieve my stress and improved my sleep."

When I began seeing Sarah I was amazed at the wealth of information she shared with me. The Egoscue Method provides exercises that have been proven to be truly helpful in posture correction. These exercises are simple to do and I found that, along with improving my posture, they helped relieve my stress and improved my sleep. I was pleased to find how easy it was to incorporate the exercises into my daily routine.
I am excited that with Sarah’s help I am on my way to getting back to standing straighter and at the same time, improving my overall well-being. It was a happy day for me when I met Sarah and started my posture therapy!

-Collette B
Terry K
"I leave classes invigorated"

I usually prefer sitting on my deck with a cup of coffee to going to an exercise class, but Sarah's Posture classes are worth the effort! I have learned about how when one part of the body isn't working well the rest of the body can't work correctly either. I leave classes invigorated and find that I am "stacking my load joints" throughout the day. Her classes really help me prepare for my day!

-Terry K
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Performing at your best in the sport or activity that you love?

Life, without the constant pain that keeps you from everything that matters most to you?

Seeing strong, healthy, capable YOU looking back at yourself in the mirror?

Ways to work with us:

Come See Us In Person!

When in-person matters, we’ll provide this option to all of our clients. You can schedule a live One on One session, or participate in a Group session (limited to 4 people per group)

Have a Virtual Visit!

We know convenience  matters. If you prefer a virtual session, we provide this option to all of our clients. You can schedule a live One on One session, or participate in a Group session (limited to 4 people per group)

Ready to embrace your bodies true potential?